Is your organization ready to transform?

Preparation is the key to success. Streamline will complete an assessment, identify where there may be headwinds, and develop a plan to prepare your organization to take the transformational journey. This process helps to avoid costly restarts and drives the transformational journey at a higher velocity.


The importance of assessment and staging

Through this phase, we will assess your organization’s readiness to transform. We will also learn from past efforts and lessons to ensure we implement best practices and plan for an optimized transformational journey.

Supporting your vision

For any transformation to be successful, all roadmaps must be aligned to the strategic vision. The roadmaps required to support transformation include capability, technology and data strategy roadmaps. 

Streamline will assess to confirm they are aligned, and where they do not exist, we will help build them out. 


The importance of roadmap development

This is the stage where we will develop the route to transformation with achieving strategic vision as the end goal. Roadmap development identifies and prioritizes all initiatives contributing to the transformational journey.

Realizing your vision

An organization’s portfolio is a sequenced collection of projects, programs or solutions managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.

Once executed, these are the initiatives to move your organization through the transformational stages. A balanced portfolio will maximize your investment and achieve the vision.


The importance of portfolio design & management

Portfolio design and management unifies the organization and creates alignment to support the realization of the strategic vision. 

We will create detailed plans for all necessary programs and initiatives to bring transformational changes to the organization. Then, we will guide you through the implementations and executions of these programs and initiatives.

Start your journey with us.